Tuesday, 30 April 2013

For More Information on Size Zero

For More Info on Size Zero

Size Zero and Beyond: A Personal Study of Anorexia Nervosa

Jacqueline Kemp

This book provides a fascinating, detailed account of the family background and social context in which the writer's eating disorder developed and manifested. However, this book covers much more than an account of the sufferer's lengthy struggle with anorexia nervosa and its many effects. The book is about the author's lifelong work to recover, and to understand the illness from a psychological and spiritual perspective. It also includes broader discussion of related social and ecological matters.

DVD The Insider Size zero - who's to blame? 

produced and directed by Adeline Ramage

This DVD gives an interesting discussion on how the media's portrayal of ultra-this models creates unrealistic ideals of beauty for you girls. 

Monday, 29 April 2013


Below are some sources that are against size zero, take a look see what you think...

The Katie Green Say No to Zero Petition 

Katie Green is a 21 year old model from Chichester, West Sussex. Katie was selected to become the new face of Wonderbra in summer 2008. However, when Katie was introduced by the brand to Premier Model Management, who signed Katie, she was put under immense pressure to lose 2 stone despite being a UK size 12 and 5ft 11in tall. Katie started to lose the weight and in turn made herself quite ill. She left modelling and know fronts a campaign.  



Pressure Mounts for Ban on Zero 

An article from 2006 which reports about a proposed ban on size zero models. 


Our Size Zero Culture 

An interesting britannica blog by Dr. Sari Fine Shepphird a clinical psychologist and eating disorders specialist talking through some of the issues of size zero and dieting and how this is part of western culture. 


There is also much pressure on celebrities to be a certain size. In recent times the model, Tyra Banks gained some weight and many commented and criticised her for it. Here's what she had to say on the matter:


Blogs For

Below are a list of blogs that are around the same topic of size and size zero. Some are discussing the issues around the size others giving an insight into why people are so concerned with size. 

The first two links are both from young girls who have a desire to be smaller sizes and ultimately end up a size zero. Their blogs act as a diary allowing the reader to observe what girls do and go through to obtain their desired size.



Below is a blog that gives images and conversation of what what the author perceives as beauty again another youngster with a desire to be a size zero. 

This YouTube blog gives almost a documentary in one girls race to reach size zero. The collection of videos gives a good indication of the lifestyle needed and in cases the dedication and commitment to this cause.



Sunday, 28 April 2013

Introduction to Our Blog


This Blog created by Christienne, Joe and Tigi, looks into the fashion industry, specifically fashion shows and their effect on the models. There has been an issue constantly in the press arguing the fact of models clothing size, whether they are healthy, if too much pressure is put on them to be a certain size and if the fashion show organisers are taking the issue seriously enough to actively do something about the issue with Zero.

The blog will explore the different ideas to the ideal model size by those in the fashion industry and explore where the idea for Size Zero came from and if there is a perfect size too be. There will also be insights to how others outside of the industry view the idea and if there are any negative or positive impacts from the size row.

This Blog has been created by the above London Metropolitan Students for the purpose of their third year assignment for the module Events Tourism.
Over the years, there has been many models criticised for their weight, some being too big and recently too thin, this Blog will look into different fashion shows and the different weight issues that have arisen over time and what is being done, if anything.

Size Zero.... Yes or No?

Introduction: Size Zero...... Yes or No?

As a result of these high end fashion shows the pressure for models to be a certain size is immense. Many models feel the need to be a certain weight in order to get them a modelling job, especially for these famous Fashion Weeks. Many models have gone to such lengths to be perfect that a Size Zero craze erupted. Models were being told to lose weight event if they were seen as having a perfect body to most women. But, in 2006 the Size Zero craze took an almighty shake as several models "Luisel Ramos and her sister, Eliana, and Ana Carolina Reston and Hila Elmalich died after starving themselves to death in their attempt to be thin." (The Observer, 2009) Maybe this obsession with being thin has gone too far? Many people feel there needs to be a ban on Size Zero models but some are for Size Zero, saying that banning a size zero model is like banning a white or black person. The debate continues......

Please note that some of these images may be shocking............


Saturday, 27 April 2013

Introduction to The Fashion Show Events

Over the years, there has been many models criticised for their weight, some being too big and recently too thin, this Blog will look into different fashion shows and the different weight issues that have arisen over time and what is being done, if anything.

Maybe the issues start with those famous fashion shows?



After the deaths of several models in a short time span in 2006, there was a huge outcry to stop the Size Zero craze. Women were taking extreme measures in order to be as thin as possible.
It has been reported that models will live on packs of cigarettes, diet pills, daily colonics and laxatives are the weapons and also metabolism boosting injections. Many models themselves are calling for size zero to be banned and telling of their stories of the pressure to become a tiny Size Zero. "When Crystal Renn was anorexic, her career as a model flourished. She had had heart palpitations. She was so weak that she fainted if she walked too far, and her bones had poked out sharply from under her paper-thin, taut, grey skin. But she was a US size zero – a UK size two – and the work rolled in." (The Observer, 2009)

Doctors are warning of the Size Zero Faze impacts as more than 600 children under 13 have been admitted to hospital with anorexia, they blame the "Size Zero Culture", however with anorexia, there is more to blame then just the size zero culture. However, it is clear that to be size zero does not come naturally to all. The risks of trying to obtain a skinny body, if the body does not receive the nutrients it needs, the results can be deadly as found with the death of four models in 2006.

After the deaths of the four models many fashion designers and fashion shows were urged to not use size zero models. After the 2006 deaths, Milan Fashion Show and the Madrid Fashion show banned underweight models with the Spanish fashion industry banning models under the healthy BMI of 18.  (The Telegraph, 2007)

There are very few who are a size zero naturally and men and women should be celebrated for their size no matter what size they are. 

France, L. Crystal Renn, plus-size supermodel, on having her cake and eating it (2009) Available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/sep/27/fashion-health-and-wellbeing [Accessed on 27 April 2013]

Whitelocks, S.'Cigarettes, daily colonics, laxatives, pills': Model reveals horrifying dieting methods used by peers to shed weight for fashion week (2012) Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2198961/Cigarettes-daily-colonics-laxatives-pills-Model-reveals-horrifying-dieting-methods-used-peers-shed-weight-fashion-week.html#ixzz2SXVq6FDj [Accessed on 27 April 2013]

Derbyshire, D.Fashion leaders refuse to ban size zero models (2007) Available from:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1540595/Fashion-leaders-refuse-to-ban-size-zero-models.html [Accessed on 27 April 2013]

Thursday, 25 April 2013

London Fashion Week

London Fashion Week: 15th-19th February 2013

London, Milan, New York and Paris being the famous four! Each year all the rich and famous flock to these weekly fashion shows, showcasing the best and newest fashion.

There are many more Fashion Weeks all over the world; Africa, Australia, Canada, Russia

February saw London Fashion Week between the 15th and 19th February 2013. There were 56 catwalk shows, 20 presentation and over 120 designers showcasing there new ideas and trends.

With this Boris Johnson said, "London Fashion Week is a dazzling showcase of great British talent. Its significance has been growing over the last few years, with strong attendance by press and buyers from around the world." (www.londonfashionweek.co.uk)

London Fashion Week describe their even as, " the most creative and innovative event on the global fashion calendar." (www.londonfashionweeks.co.uk)

With the fashion event such a highly popular event there is much pressure on all the parties involved from the fashion designers creating their best pieces to the models showcasing the designs perfectly.

With over 5,000 visitors to the 2013 LFW and an estimated £100 million worth of orders places during the show is it any wonder there is such an issue about how the models look seeing as they are the ones showing off the fashion designers hard work?

London Fashion Week (online) Facts and Figures AW13 (2013) [Available from]http://www.londonfashionweek.co.uk/news/507/Facts--Figures-AW13 [Accessed on 9th April 2013]

For Size Zero

If people want to be Size Zero , let them be happy!

As much as people are against the size zero there are many who want to be a size zero and are striving to get the size zero look.

Another factor to consider is: is it fair to punish models who are naturally very thin? After the size zero debate started in 2006 as a result of models deaths and many designers refused to hire size zero models does this mean that if you are naturally very slim you will not be allowed to get a job?

Although many fashion events were urged to ban underweight models some fashion weeks refused to ban the size zero. The British fashion Council said that rather than ban size zero they will work hard to promote healthy weights. Models will be asked to "provide medical certificates to prove they are a healthy weight." (The Telegraph, 2007) This means that in some cases you can be a size zero and a successful fashion model as long as you are healthy.

In 2011 The Telegraph reported that scientists at a London university have found that being thin can be in a perons genes, and that they cannot change their small sizes due to their thin gene. (The Telegraph, 2011)

There has even been a cream created called "Size Zero" by Rodial, claiming that this cream will give you younger looking skin, and a more toned contour. (Rodial.co.uk) Although there are no claims that the cream will turn a person into a size zero, the cream has been named size zero, giving indication that many woman are wanting to be a size zero and with claims that results can be seen in just four weeks! Who could resist?!
                    The Rodial size zero cream could be the answer for many looking to lose weight!

But who's decision is it? If a person wants to be slim and a Size Zero then it must be their decision.

Borland, S (2007) Size zero models escape London fashion ban Available from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1563096/Size-zero-models-escape-London-fashion-ban.html (Accessed on 25th April 2013)

Adams, S (20011) Size Zero? Maybe you've got the thin gene Available from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/8733022/Size-Zero-Maybe-youve-got-the-thin-gene.html (Accessed on 25 April 2013)

Rodial; Size Zero Available From: http://www.rodial.co.uk/product/bodycare-TUMMY-TREATMENT/size-zero/384?gclid=CL6nnIeW97YCFTIQtAodxDQACg (Accessed on 25 April 2013)

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

International Fashion Shows

International Fashion Shows

There are hundreds fashion shows held around the world in almost every country. The main Fashion weeks alongside London are Paris, Milan and New York.

These are almost the Famous Four, yet there are many more in Australia, Japan, Canada, Israel, Russia and Africa to name a few.

Again there is high economic impact from these shows. Like London the highly popular shows generate interest from all other countries. According to Economic Development Corporation, the Mercedes-Benz Fashion week in New York generated close to $865 million for the New York economy, with 232,000 people attending Fashion Weeks in New York over the 500 annual events each year in the city. The fashion industry in New York is worth $98 million.

Again, this huge industry relies on perfect models to advertise the latest trends and fashions in these hugely popular fashion shows adding vast amount of pressure onto the models as each year thousands of eyes are on them. New York and London are only two of the annual fashion shows held each year across the globe the numbers of worldwide spectators to these events grow rapidly meaning the models must compete to be the best of the best. But how far does this competition and determination be the best at the shows, go?

This video showcases some of the outrageous and revealing fashions at China's 2012 Fashion Week. Look at what the models have to wear!