Sunday, 28 April 2013

Introduction to Our Blog


This Blog created by Christienne, Joe and Tigi, looks into the fashion industry, specifically fashion shows and their effect on the models. There has been an issue constantly in the press arguing the fact of models clothing size, whether they are healthy, if too much pressure is put on them to be a certain size and if the fashion show organisers are taking the issue seriously enough to actively do something about the issue with Zero.

The blog will explore the different ideas to the ideal model size by those in the fashion industry and explore where the idea for Size Zero came from and if there is a perfect size too be. There will also be insights to how others outside of the industry view the idea and if there are any negative or positive impacts from the size row.

This Blog has been created by the above London Metropolitan Students for the purpose of their third year assignment for the module Events Tourism.
Over the years, there has been many models criticised for their weight, some being too big and recently too thin, this Blog will look into different fashion shows and the different weight issues that have arisen over time and what is being done, if anything.

Size Zero.... Yes or No?

Introduction: Size Zero...... Yes or No?

As a result of these high end fashion shows the pressure for models to be a certain size is immense. Many models feel the need to be a certain weight in order to get them a modelling job, especially for these famous Fashion Weeks. Many models have gone to such lengths to be perfect that a Size Zero craze erupted. Models were being told to lose weight event if they were seen as having a perfect body to most women. But, in 2006 the Size Zero craze took an almighty shake as several models "Luisel Ramos and her sister, Eliana, and Ana Carolina Reston and Hila Elmalich died after starving themselves to death in their attempt to be thin." (The Observer, 2009) Maybe this obsession with being thin has gone too far? Many people feel there needs to be a ban on Size Zero models but some are for Size Zero, saying that banning a size zero model is like banning a white or black person. The debate continues......

Please note that some of these images may be shocking............